Health News

Meds for Bipolar with Mixed Episodes
Some people with bipolar disorder have mixed episodes – they have symptoms of both mania and depression at the same time. Are anti-psychotics safe and effective for mixed symptoms?
Seroquel and Drowsiness
Sedation, like feeling drowsy or slowed down, can be a side effect of taking Seroquel . There are two forms of Seroquel . Is one form better than the other?
Antipsychotics and Suicidal Behavior
Bipolar disorder is sometimes treated with antipsychotic medications. First and second generation antipsychotics have different side effects, but do they have the same suicide risk?
Do Antipsychotics Meds Cause Diabetes?
With stability being the top priority for people taking antipsychotics, a number of health and quality of life concerns remain. One is the risk of diabetes.
Bringing Order to Bipolar
Bipolar type I is serious and can be lethal if left untreated. And because of side effects and differences in personal biology, doctors need as many proven medications as possible in order to combat the disease.
Bipolar Treatment can get Heavy
Mental health concerns are so deeply personal and so immediately urgent that it can be difficult to give consideration to long-term risks of particular medications when the meds are working well.
New Drugs Changing Outlook on Bipolar Disorder
When it was discovered more than 100 years ago, Bipolar Disorder was believed to be the result of "bad blood," thought to be caused by black bile. Later the mental disorder best known for episodes of depression and mania was treated with lithium.
Motherhood is About to Make You a Little Crazier
FDA notified healthcare professionals that the Pregnancy section of drug labels for the entire class of antipsychotic drugs has been updated.