Health News

Trouble Breathing Linked to Trouble Thinking for Seniors
For seniors, having difficulty breathing could be a sign that other medical problems are on the horizon — problems like a decline in memory and thinking abilities.
Things You Should Know About Prednisone
Prednisone is used to treat many conditions, including rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis and asthma. Here are some important things to know about prednisone.
Even Before COPD, Smokers Exercised Less
Plenty of smokers also exercise and try to stay fit. But researchers behind a new study found that they still might not fare as well as non-smokers.
Sweet Benefits of Chocolate
Chocolate may be sweet, rich and delicious, but it also can provide health benefits when consumed in moderation. Here’s a list of ways that chocolate can benefit your health.
Where There's Smoke and Asthma
The hazards of secondhand smoke to children are already clear in medical research, but such exposure is especially a problem for children with asthma or wheezing.
How Smoking Burns Your Health
According to the CDC, smoking causes nearly 1 in every 5 deaths in the United States each year. Here’s a list of the harmful effects of smoking.
Increased Depression in Common Teen Disorders
Separately, ADHD and asthma each have been associated with mood disorders. Are patients with both ADHD and asthma at an even greater risk?
Most Polluted Cities in the US
The American Lung Association released a list of the most polluted cities in the US.
How Obesity Affects Health
Besides tobacco use, obesity is the leading cause of preventable disease and death in the United States.
Healthy Holiday Tips
With most of the country already in the heart of winter, here are some tips for staying healthy this holiday season and into the new year.