Health News

Gestational Diabetes and Your Heart Health
Having gestational diabetes during pregnancy could mean you're at risk for other conditions in the future, according to a new study.
Healthy Habits May Help with Pregnancy
Safely exercising and dieting before and during pregnancy may reduce weight gain, diabetes risk and the need for a C-section, a new study found.
The Benefits of Exercise While Pregnant
For obese women, exercise during pregnancy could mean a lower risk of gestational diabetes, a new study found.
Pregnancy Problems Tied to Bigger Babies
Obesity during pregnancy and gestational diabetes may be tied to overly large babies at six months' pregnancy, a new study found.
A Potential New Use for Metformin
One common diabetes drug may soon have a new indication.
A Breastfeeding Benefit — for Mom
Breastfeeding is known to provide a wide range of potential health benefits for babies. But what about for moms?
Atrial Fibrillation: What Women Need to Know
Heart rhythm disorders affect more than 2 million Americans. The most common of these disorders is atrial fibrillation (AFib) — and it may affect women differently than men.
These Steps May Cut Diabetes Risk in New Moms
Between late-night feedings and diaper changes, new moms may not prioritize their own blood sugar levels. However, healthy choices and medications could prevent diabetes in those at risk for it.
Birth Control Method Might Increase Diabetes Risk
Many factors can affect a woman's decision about birth control methods, and an increased risk for diabetes may be one of them.
Daughter's Hormone Disorder Might Affect Mother's Health
When diseases are passed down through families, it's usually from parents to their children. But sometimes a daughter or son's poor health can put their parent's health at risk later in life.