Pulmonary DiseaseInfo Center

Don't Fret About Taking Advair
No matter how effective a drug may be, if it is not safe it cannot be used. A new study has found out how safe a common asthma treatment is.
Biological Clock May Affect Asthma Side Effects
While the idea of your body telling you to go to sleep may seem simple, it's actually a very complex process. In fact, that process also impacts certain side effects in asthma and allergy medications.
Using Asthma Medication More Than Ever
Over the past 20 years, the number of children with asthma has increased. Luckily, the number of children getting preventative treatment has also increased.
Asthma's Algorithms
Of course, one of the goals in pregnancy is to avoid or lessen in utero exposure to drugs. Maternal asthma is a tough condition to control while minimizing medicines.
Fractures in COPD Patients Linked to Inhaled Corticosteroids
Women in menopause are more likely to have bone fractures than men. A recent medical review indicates that older men with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) who use inhaled-corticosteroids can join women with the bone fracture risk.
Diseases that May Go Hand in Hand
Patients who suffer from chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) face a greater risk of developing shingles compared to those without COPD. The risk becomes even greater for those taking oral steroids for COPD.