Health News

Spare the Rod for Healthy Development
A review of twenty years worth of research reveals that physically punishing kids probably does more harm than good and appears to increase kids' aggression.
Excessive Rituals in Children Could Signal OCD
Most children have a pretty stable routine, like a daily school routine, consistent meal times, regular schedules for bath, homework and bedtime.
Child Abuse Changes the Brain
There is little debate that children who are abused, physically or mentally, undergo such significant trauma that they often carry it throughout their lives. Child abuse can affect a person's mental health forever, leading to depression and other psychological disorders later in life. For Kid's Personality
It's no secret that children all have very different personalities, even siblings raised in the same household. Most parents have experienced that what works with one kid, doesn't work with another.
Numbing Quality in Violent Video Games
Science fiction novels often portray a society where people have become numb to the violence around them. War torn countries' citizens also accept tanks filling their streets and impoverished children suffering. The same type numbness occurs in children when playing violent video games.
Driving Under the Influence of Depression
Teens are not known as the safest drivers on the road. Far from it. Add anxiety or depression, and their driving becomes even riskier. A new study shows that young drivers who experience anxiety and depression are at risk of being risky drivers.