Health News

FDA Warns Against Sex Enhancement Pill
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is advising consumers not to purchase or use Eros Power Zone 1900, a product promoted and sold for sexual enhancement on various websites and in some retail stores.
ED Supplement May Pose Health Risk
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is advising consumers not to purchase or use Triple MiracleZen Gold 1750 mg, a product promoted and sold for sexual enhancement on various websites and in some retail stores.
Male Enhancement Product May Pose Health Risk
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is advising consumers not to purchase or use Xtra Zone 2400, a product promoted and sold for sexual enhancement on various websites and in some retail stores.
Novel Blood Clot Rx Shows Potential
Antiplatelet medications, while highly effective, can put surgical patients at risk of serious bleeding. But a new, safer drug may be on the horizon.
The Antidote for Blood Thinners
Bleeding can be a major concern for patients taking blood thinners. But what if the effects of these drugs could be safely reversed in an emergency situation?
Widely Used Antibiotics Linked to Heart Risk
A popular class of antibiotics used to treat common infections may carry some serious heart risks.
The Importance of Aspirin Allergy Testing
Aspirin has an impressive list of potential health benefits, but new evidence suggests that many patients are told to discontinue this low-cost, effective therapy without good cause.
FDA Warns Against Imported Dietary Supplements
Consumers, beware! Imported products marketed as "dietary supplements" or "herbal alternatives" to prescription drugs may do you more harm than good.
Why You Should Take a Walk at Work
Here's another reason to take a quick break at work: Getting up from your desk and strolling around the office could help your vascular health.
Low-Dose Beta Blockers: When Less Is More
Beta blockers are a class of medications often prescribed to patients after a heart attack. But the dosing for this medication has remained controversial.