Health News

Worrying Your Way to a Heart Attack?
People with depressive symptoms have an increased risk of heart attacks and developing heart disease. For those who already have heart problems, stress and depression can worsen their health.
Smoking? Lying Around? Bad For Your Heart!
Having heart disease and depression can increase the risk of heart attacks and death. Research suggests that up to 40 percent of heart disease patients experience depressive symptoms.
A Weak Heart, a Broken Heart
The mind-body connection is more than just the fact that your mind exists within your body. Researchers are discovering more every day about how the two interact.
More Than Hot Flashes
Hot flashes are a biggie among middle-aged women. But common effects of menopause can differ around the world. New research has identified a number of different symptoms among menopausal women with osteoporosis and cardiovascular disease.
Depression Treatment Gives Heart Failure Patients a Boost
Depression can affect the health of heart failure patients, even impacting the quality of their lives. New research suggests managing depression may give patients a health boost and even improve their social lives.
At Risk for Stroke?
Taking any medication requires patients to balance the risks and benefits of the drug. But these vary by person because every person is unique. Antidepressants, for example, affect different people in different ways.
Few Screened for Post-Stroke Depression
Depression is common after a stroke, but a new study suggests that doctors are assessing few stroke patients, potentially offering too much treatment to some patients and too little to others who may need anti-depressants.
Emotional Support Key After Implanted Defibrillator
An implanted defibrillator may give heart arrhythmia patients peace of mind when it comes to their physical well-being. Keeping an eye on their emotional well being, however, is just as important.
Depression, Insomnia and Your Heart
Management of high blood pressure is usually accomplished with medication and salt restriction. But treating depression or insomnia might help with the management of more difficult cases.
Uncertainty and Depression After a Stroke
Depression is a common symptom among people who have strokes. Understanding their condition and what to expect might help with this depression.