Health News

Warning Signs of Depression
While most of us may know about depression, we may not realize how to best spot the condition in ourselves or in others around us.
Stroke: A Possible Danger of Chronic Stress
A bit of stress here and there in our lives can give us a motivational boost. But when that stress is constant, it can have a serious impact on our health and may even lead to some life-threatening situations.
Women with Chronic Illness More Likely to Use Mental Health Care
Ongoing illness can burden the mind as it also takes a toll on the body. Counseling and other therapies aimed at boosting a sick individual’s mental wellness is a common course of action for some, but not for all.
Warnings About Suicide and Antidepressant Use Backfired
In 2003, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) issued several warnings about a possible increased risk of suicide among young people who were prescribed antidepressants. However, these warnings may have had the opposite effect than intended.
Depression May Raise Risk for Heart Disease in Younger Women
Young women are more prone to depression than older women or men of any age. New research looked into whether depression was a sign of physical health problems.
Unpacking the Trauma of War Injuries
Traumatic brain injury has been one of the signature injuries to result from the US involvement in Iraq and Afghanistan. But there is more than one way to get this injury.
When PTSD Meets Pregnancy
While PTSD is often associated with the battlefield, anyone can experience it after any traumatic situation. In fact, about one in 12 pregnant women have PTSD symptoms.
Depression in Women: One Size Does Not Fit All
The differences that do exist between the sexes can express themselves in surprising ways. This seems to be the case with depression, which affects women at higher rates than men.
Some Antidepressants Led to Less Weight Gain
Taking any medication means potentially experiencing its possible side effects. Concern about antidepressants' side effects may prevent some individuals from taking them.
The Depression that May Add Pounds
When most people think of major depression, they probably don't realize there are different types. But there are, and certain types can affect other health concerns.