Health News

Antidepressants During Pregnancy Not Tied to Autism
Women who take antidepressants may wonder about taking them while pregnant. One concern has involved increasing their children's risk of certain conditions like autism.
No Link Between Antidepressants and Autism
Women may need to take various medications even while they are pregnant, trying to weigh the risks and benefits of the medications. When it comes to antidepressants, there's at least one thing they don't need to worry about.
A Mental Health Boon After Menopause?
As a woman approaches menopause, her body experiences a wide range of changes. Some of these changes may relate to her mental health.
Of Pregnancy Blues and Drinking Clues
The recommendations not to drink alcohol while pregnant are clear from obstetric medical organizations in the US. Yet pregnant women feeling depressed may be at risk for ignoring this advice.
Risks of Depression with Pregnancy
More awareness exists today about postpartum depression than in the past. But now women are becoming aware of another concern — prenatal depression.
Taking Antidepressants When the Baby's Due
Women who have anxiety or depression have important decisions to make about their medications when they are pregnant. Though these medications may carry some risks, not taking them has risks too.
She's Gone Country — and She's Happy
City life can be more chaotic than country living, with the honking horns, sirens and lights late into the night. Perhaps the more hectic environments of urban areas explain recent findings related to postpartum depression.
Postpartum Depression in Women With PMS
Many women experience symptoms of depression after giving birth. Women that experience premenstrual syndrome (PMS) may have a higher risk for developing depression after delivery.
Depression Likelier in Abused New Moms
Bringing home a new baby is stressful on its own. But throw in the anxiety of an abusive relationship and depression may follow.
Surprise! You're Expecting a Baby
Sometimes a woman finds herself pregnant when she wasn't planning on it. Women with unintended pregnancies may benefit from support and being aware of postpartum depression risks.