Health News

Crying More Than an Average Baby
Preemies often require extra attention after they are born, depending on how early they arrive. They may also sometimes present extra challenges for parents.
Some Kids' Stress Might Mean Weight Gain
Children respond to stressful life events in different ways, just as adults do. However, one common result may be a higher risk of becoming overweight.
Parents-as-Drill Sergeants Not the Best Choice
A fair amount of study has been spent on whether spanking children can cause them any long-term harm. But what about lots of yelling at children?
Chin Up to Stay Healthy
Teens from financially struggling backgrounds often have poorer health than teens from higher income backgrounds. But not all low-income teens have poorer health. What's their secret?
It's Time for Recess!
Teachers might look forward to recess as much as children do. It's a chance to let kids run off their energy. But recess is also an important daily part of children's overall development.
Are You Angry – or Grateful?
Seeking strength from God to deal with illness is just as common as being angry at God for an illness. But the way these two attitudes affect an individual is quite different.
The Fix-Sibling-Rivalry School Club
Did you and a brother or sister fight? A lot? Wouldn't it be nice to find a way to prevent your own kids from fighting each other? Sibling rivalry may be common, but it's also unhealthy.
Hey Girls! Let's Dance
Teen girls that seem generally healthy may still struggle with their self-image. This struggle can sometimes lead to later health problems. But there's a possible solution: Just dance!
When Real Disasters on TV Scare Kids
The Twin Towers falling. Raging wildfires. Families wading through flooded waters. These images might show important news, but disaster coverage makes an impression on little minds.
Rest Easy, Parents with Baby Sleep Woes
Few things pierce a mother's heart like her baby's cry. This is why so many parents hesitate to use sleep training methods. But take heart — sleep-trained kids do just fine later on.