Health News

The Vital Role of Vitamin D
Vitamin D is a nutrient that the body needs to maintain overall good health. Here are nine reasons why vitamin D plays a vital role in your health.
Sweet Benefits of Chocolate
Chocolate may be sweet, rich and delicious, but it also can provide health benefits when consumed in moderation. Here’s a list of ways that chocolate can benefit your health.
Surprising Side Effects of OTC Meds
If you are using over-the-counter medications, stay aware of these fifteen common side effects.
Why Water Should Be Your Favorite Drink
Are you drinking enough H2O? Find out why you should make water your favorite drink. 
Healthy Holiday Tips
With most of the country already in the heart of winter, here are some tips for staying healthy this holiday season and into the new year.
Egg Allergies? Fear Not the Flu Shot
Everyone is urged to get a flu shot, but what should you do if an allergy might interact with the vaccine? Risk the flu or risk the allergic reaction?  For many patients, these concerns have now been addressed.
Can't Have an Omelette, but can Still Get the Flu Shot
The flu vaccine is one vital part of reducing your risk of flu. But what if you're allergic to eggs, which are used to make flu vaccines? There's a new option for you.
No Need to Fear the Flu Shot
One of the concerns parents might have with the flu vaccine is side effects in children with pre-existing conditions, such as inflammatory bowel disease.
No Need to Swap Toothbrush After Strep
After having strep throat, many people will replace their toothbrush. However, this may not be necessary to avoid a second round of this bacterial infection.
Flu Shot “Egg-cellent” for Allergic Kids
While the flu vaccine lowers chances of getting the flu, there have been concerns about giving it to egg-allergic children. This group now appears to have no reaction from the treatment.