Health News

What Causes Colorectal Cancer?
Several non-genetic factors may increase your risk for colorectal cancer.
How Diet May Affect Your Colorectal Cancer Risk
The foods you eat may have an impact on your risk for colorectal cancer, according to a new report.
What Aspirin Might Do for Obese Patients
Being obese can put patients at greater risk for many conditions, including some types of cancer. But for some, taking a common over-the-counter medication may reduce this increased risk.
Good Health Before Cancer: A Survival Booster
A healthy lifestyle — marked by healthy eating, exercise and a healthy weight — can help prevent cancer. In patients who get cancer, that same lifestyle may help them live longer.
What Keeping Fit Could Do for Your Cancer Risk
Physical activity is a vital part of a healthy life. While research has clearly shown its benefits in preventing heart disease, fitness may lower the risk of certain cancers as well.
What Veggies Might Do for Your Cancer Risk
The wisdom of the common parental advice to eat your veggies doesn't just apply to children.
Leading a Healthy Life Reduced Risk for Bowel Cancer
Medical procedures like colonoscopies and chemotherapy can be great screening tools and treatments for bowel cancer. But patients may be able to take measures at home to reduce their risk for this disease.
Milk May Be Good for Colorectal Cancer Survivors
Dairy, calcium and vitamin D have been shown to help prevent colorectal cancer. But can they help people who’ve already had colorectal cancer?
Lifestyle Now May Affect Colon Cancer Survival Later
Healthy diet and lifestyle choices reduce the risk for many diseases. What effect these pre-diagnosis choices have on survival after colon and rectal cancer has become clearer.
High Fiber Intake May Lower Colon Tumor Risk
Adding fiber to your diet is generally a healthy choice. It seems that fiber also may decrease the risk of getting a particular kind of colon tumor.