Health News

Understanding Atrial Fibrillation
"AFib" may sound like a little white lie, but it’s actually a serious medical condition. Atrial fibrillation, or AFib, is the most common type of heartbeat rhythm problem.
Global Sodium Intake Exceeded Recommendations
Salt is a pantry staple and an ingredient present in many recipes. But too much of the seasoning can lead to high blood pressure and the potential for other serious heart conditions.
Too Much Exercise May Be a Bad Thing
Cardiovascular exercise like running or walking has a number of health benefits. But too much exercise may be unhealthy, especially after a heart attack.
Benefits of Regular Physical Activity
There are many health benefits to being a physically active person. Here’s a list from what you might gain from developing an exercise routine.
Beer: The Health Benefits and Consequences
Many Americans enjoy their alcohol, spending close to $99 billion every year on beer alone. Here’s a list of potential health benefits and consequences of beer consumption.
America's Unhealthiest Cities
Gallup-Healthways Well-Being rates U.S. metropolitan areas for overall well-being, diabetes, obesity, frequency of exercise, and produce consumption from 2010 - 2012.
How Fast Food Leads to Health Problems
Did you hear that McDonald's is serving breakfast ALL DAY? While that may be fun and convenient, don't forget how fast food affects your health.
Sweet Benefits of Chocolate
Chocolate may be sweet, rich and delicious, but it also can provide health benefits when consumed in moderation. Here’s a list of ways that chocolate can benefit your health.
Energy Drinks Get Your Heart Pumping
Most people down energy drinks if they want an extra boost. Yet that extra energy boost may translate into small boosts in blood pressure too.