Health News

Stretch Away Rheumatoid Arthritis and Fibromyalgia
You probably think exercising is expending energy. After all that's what running and aerobics require. But yoga, which involves the opposite, has been shown to be healthy for people. Breathing, meditating, and stretching don't seem like hard work, much less exercise.
Yet Another Reason to Lose Weight
Being overweight or obese carries a number of health risks. Now there's one more health benefit for losing weight.
Faster Acting Aspirin Hits the Market
When you have a headache, a toothache or the cramps, all you want is fast pain relief. Now there’s a new form of aspirin that’s twice as fast as what you’ve been using. Bayer Healthcare has launched a new generation of aspirin.
Iron and Copper Bad for the Brain?
Iron and copper are common metals used to make cars, pots, and other inanimate objects, but they are also very important in the body. Too much iron and copper can be bad for the brain.
Try Calcium and Vitamin D Supplements First
Have you or a loved one been diagnosed with osteoporosis? Try a different approach before accepting medication as your only choice.
A Heavy Toll on Arthritis
Having arthritis is painful, but being obese can make it worse. Obesity puts arthritis patients at a higher risk for many health complications. Now, experts are worried that obesity could make arthritis an even larger public health problem.
Double Up on Vitamin D
Adults need around 4,000 to 8,000 IU daily of vitamin D to maintain levels of healthful vitamin D metabolites in the range needed to reduce the risk of several diseases by about half.
Sick and Abused
According to a study by Swedish researchers, children who are chronically ill are much more likely than healthy children to be victims of physical abuse.
Take a Load Off
Osteoarthritis knee pain commonly afflicts retired professional athletes but also those who are obese. A simple solution to the problem may exist, however, according to a new study: lose weight.
Getting Started on Delaying Dementia
As life spans continue to increase, so the will risk of dementia in individuals, but new research from Sweden indicates people can minimize this risk.