Health News
Fracture Was Hard to Predict in Some Postmenopausal Women
Screening tools can help doctors predict which postmenopausal women may have a broken bone due to osteoporosis in the next few years. But those tools may not accurately predict fracture risk in younger postmenopausal women.
Severe Headaches May Be Tied to Bariatric Surgery
Bariatric surgery to aid weight loss has become more and more common. But a new study suggests it could be tied to a surprising side effect — a condition that causes severe headaches.
Red Wine May Improve Bone Density
People with low bone density may want to raise a glass of red wine. A recent study on red wine's natural compounds says drink up.
Bone Fragility Fractures Could Increasingly Affect Men
Weakened bones from osteoporosis can lead to hip and other fractures. Although it’s commonly thought of as a problem only aging women face, new research suggests that, because osteoporosis is underdiagnosed in men, they face a higher risk of death following a hip fracture.
Salty Food Could Mean Increased Symptoms for MS Patients
High-salt diets typically ring alarm bells because of their association with heart disease. A new study shows that salt intake may affect some patients' neurological health, too.
B Vitamins Did Not Prevent Alzheimer's
Some in the medical community have zeroed in on B vitamins as having the potential to reduce Alzheimer’s risk. But recent research suggested this hypothesis wasn't true.
Staying Active May Lower Alzheimer's Risk
Alzheimer’s disease and the memory loss and behavioral changes that come with it can take a major toll on patients and their families. Unfortunately, the number of Alzheimer's cases continues to rise with the growing elderly population.
Walking Off Symptoms of Parkinson’s
Even simple forms of exercise can strengthen the body and mind. People with Parkinson’s disease may be among those who can benefit from a no-frills regimen of walking.
Daily Walking Kept Arthritic Knees Working
Walking each day may keep disability away. That seems to be the message of a recent study on people with, or at risk of, osteoarthritis of the knee.
Lifestyle Linked to Memory Issues, Even for Younger Adults
While there are ways to ease symptoms of Alzheimer's disease, there are no treatments to stop the disease itself. For that reason, many doctors and researchers have shifted their focus to finding ways to prevent the disease.