Health News

Diabetes May Affect Young and Old Differently
Diabetes affects millions in the US. But new research suggests that it may affect patients in different ways.
Global Sodium Intake Exceeded Recommendations
Salt is a pantry staple and an ingredient present in many recipes. But too much of the seasoning can lead to high blood pressure and the potential for other serious heart conditions.
Too Much Exercise May Be a Bad Thing
Cardiovascular exercise like running or walking has a number of health benefits. But too much exercise may be unhealthy, especially after a heart attack.
Lower Blood Pressure May Not Mean Lower Risk
The increased risk of heart problems in patients with elevated blood pressure is well-established. But lower blood pressure may not decrease the risk of stroke, heart attack and other complications.
Healthy Hearts and Strong Brains
Keeping blood pressure in check could reduce your risk for heart disease. But could it also help you stay sharp in midlife?
Three Big Factors to Beat Heart Disease if Obese
Being overweight or obese can raise the risk for heart disease and stroke. While losing weight may help, shedding pounds can be hard. There may be other ways for overweight people to lower these risks.
AS Medication Didn't Change Heart Risks
A long term disease named  Ankylosing   Spondylitis has been linked to a higher risk of cardiovascular problems. A number of factors could be responsible for this increased risk, including the drugs used to treat this painful condition.
How Reliable a Link?
Though men who have vascular erectile dysfunction appear to be at a higher risk of developing cardiovascular disease, that doesn't mean ED alone should be considered a risk factor.
There are many ways to keep your heart healthy. Is sex one of them and is sex even considered exercise? As people get older sex might seem like it’s too strenuous for the heart, but is it?
Type of Heart Disease Linked to Dementia
Dementia can be brought on by a number of risk factors. One of the most surprising that has recently been linked to the cognitive impairment, however, is a type of heart condition involving restricted arteries.