Health News

Borderline Hypertension, Elevated Stroke Risk
Borderline high blood pressure puts individuals at an elevated stroke risk even though patients don't formally have hypertension. Common blood pressure drugs may significantly reduce that risk.
Silent Stroke Causes Found Among Sickle Cell Kids
Silent stroke may be the most common form of brain injury in children with sickle cell anemia, a rare, painful blood disorder. Recently, researchers have been able to pinpoint the risk factors for such strokes in children.
Too Little Salt May Increase Heart Risk
High salt consumption has long been associated with heart disease including hypertension, stroke and heart attack. Low levels of sodium also may negatively impact cardiovascular health.
Predicting Memory Problems
Hypertension, diabetes and smoking  are known to increase your chances for stroke. A new study shows they can also be factors in developing cognitive problems later in life, even among patients who have never experienced a stroke.
Hypertension Drug Heals Brains After Stroke
A common blood pressure medication may actually aid in healing the brain following a stroke. University of Georgia researchers found the drug appears to boost blood vessel growth on the brain's unaffected side.
The Cholesterol Balance
Most of us are familiar with the dangers of high cholesterol, mainly in contributing to heart disease. The waxy, fat-like substance that occurs naturally in all parts of the body is necessary for you to function properly.
Small Silent Strokes Increase Risks
Small undetected strokes are not uncommon in older patients. These incidences may be contributing to an increased risk of dementia and Alzheimer's disease in such patients.
COPD Patients At Greater Heart Disease Risk
Not all chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) patients are at the same risk. A recent study has found that COPD patients with reduced lung function are more likely to develop heart disease.
High Blood Pressure Still Increases Stroke Risk
Patients with normal blood pressure that are considered prehypertensive still have a substantially higher risk of having a stroke, research has revealed.
Increase in Statin Use After Stroke Urged
Though cholesterol-lowering statin drugs have been shown to help prevent a recurrent stroke or a heart attack, a recent study showed only about half are taking statins following a stroke.