Health News

Cholesterol Meds May Lower Cancer Deaths
Cholesterol lowering medications called statins are among the most commonly prescribed medicines in the US. New research is suggesting these medications may lower more than cholesterol in prostate cancer patients.
Rx to Stop Heart Disease Before it Starts
Preventing heart disease can be easier and less expensive than treating it. For people with high cholesterol, there are ways to prevent heart disease and keep those tickers healthy for years.
Sugary Drinks Linked to Heart Disease in Men
Are you drawn to drinking sugar-sweetened beverages daily? It may not be doing any favors for your heart. A recent study found that men who drink just one sugary beverage a day are at a heightened heart disease risk.
Maladies of Men Only
Men and women have much in common. But let's face it: there are some obvious differences between the sexes, especially when it comes to sexual health.
How Reliable a Link?
Though men who have vascular erectile dysfunction appear to be at a higher risk of developing cardiovascular disease, that doesn't mean ED alone should be considered a risk factor.
Weekly Exercise Cuts Men's Heart Risks
A key to reducing the risk of heart attacks in men may be engaging in vigorous exercise for at least three hours a week. A new study suggests that reduces their heart attack risk by 22 percent.
The Low Down on Down Low Testosterone
By the age of 35, men's testosterone levels begin to drop by one or two percent each year. By the age of 50, 30% of men are already below the normal testosterone range and that number increases as years advance.
Belly Fat Predicts Heart Disease
Not all fat is created equal, especially when it comes to men with excessive weight around the middle. Some with added belly fat may be at an increased risk of developing heart disease and other serious health problems.