Health News

Being Healthy Does Not Necessarily Just Mean Losing Weight
Most people don’t understand the actual term 'healthy living'. Weight management is just one aspect of living healthy, but there are many other factors that should be taken into account.
What Does Your Self Portrait Say?
It can be hard to open up to a stranger, even your own doctor. Some individuals find it easier to express themselves through drawing and writing. Doctors are now able to assess individuals for eating disorders by having them draw a self portrait.
Eating Disorders Need More Attention
While eating disorders do not receive the same amount of attention as other serious mental health illnesses, they are more common in teens than one might think. What's more, they found anorexia, bulimia, and binge eating go hand in hand with other mental illnesses.
Can't Eat, Can't Sleep
It's hard enough to get a baby to sleep. Now, researchers say that babies and toddlers who have trouble sleeping may also have eating problems.
Food on the Brain
In a recent brain imaging study, researchers at the Brookhaven National Laboratory found that binge eaters (those who compulsively overeat) react to their favorite foods differently than ordinary obese individuals.
Female Facebook Users Can Develop Eating Disorders
A new study from the University of Haifa finds girls who spend more time on Facebook, the social networking Web site, are more likely to develop eating disorders.
Fighting with the Mirror
Patients studied by Brown University and the Rhode Island Hospital suffering from body dysmorphic disorder have shown real improvement in an eight-year span.