Health News

No Cognitive Problems from Migraines
It is challenging to make sense out of the brain's mysteries. This is especially true in understanding how migraines might affect the brain. But researchers are learning more.
When Big Headaches Hit Little Ones
A migraine headache can knock you flat — and that's for an adult. Imagine how migraines might affect children, especially when it comes to school.
Why are Headaches Common After Brain Injury?
It seems obvious that headaches would persist after a traumatic brain injury. Curiously, headaches appear to be more common after a mild traumatic brain injury compared to more severe injuries.
The Migraine Treatment No One is Suggesting
Despite demonstrated evidence-based effectiveness, a new survey revealed that few migraine treatment specialists suggest that their patients try biofeedback, cognitive behavioral therapy or relaxation training.
Emotional Stress Linked to Cancer Recurrence
Emotional stress and turmoil take a physical toll on our bodies as well. Stress and abuse have been linked to migraines, auto-immune syndromes, heart problems and now skin cancer.
New Migraine Guidelines Stress Prevention
Many patients suffering from chronic migraines may be eligible to take preventative medications, yet few take them. New guidelines for treating migraines stress using available therapies to prevent such attacks.
Migraines Associated with RLS
A large trial has found that women with migraine headaches are at a slightly increased risk of developing Restless Legs Syndrome ( RLS ).
Migraines Linked to Suicide Risk
Individuals who suffer from severe headaches, even if they're not migraines, are more likely to attempt suicide. Researchers said the increase could be due to the associated pain severity.
Migraines Forecast Mood Disorder
If you’ve had a migraine headache in the past there’s a good chance there are more health issues to come, a new study suggests.
One Cure for Crankiness: Drink Water
If you're waiting until you feel thirsty before drinking water, then you're waiting too long. And without proper hydration, you're likely to feel moody, anxious and unable to concentrate.