Health News

Happy Comfort Food
What do you do when you’re in the dumps? Some turn to buckets of ice cream for comfort. It just seems to take all troubles away. Maybe it really does!
Reducing Risks Could Cut Alzheimer's
Moderate lifestyle changes may seem small, but they can provide large returns in better health. Exercising and smoking cessation are among modifiable changes capable of reducing risk of Alzheimer's disease.
It's Dinner Time With the Family
Once children hit teen years, it’s difficult to get the entire family around the table. It’s worth the effort, though, as serious problems can arise by abandoning the "Walton Family" style.
Overweight kids develop more psoriasis
Overweight children have a significantly higher prevalence of psoriasis - and they are also at higher risk for heart disease that starts in childhood with higher cholesterol levels.
Weight Loss Improves Sleep Apnea
A strong correlation between sleep apnea and obesity suggests that losing weight could have a tremendous effect on improving sleep disorders. While not all sleep apnea sufferers are overweight, the majority are.
Obesity and Smoking - Not a Good Combination
For girls, being obese isn't just a physical challenge. Carrying too many pounds can result in low self-esteem and depression, which in turn makes girls more vulnerable to addiction.
The Dark Side of Sweet
Try to find a packaged food that doesn't contain some form of sugar. Pretty tough to do. In fact, it's nearly impossible. The bitter truth is - we are drowning in sweetness. Food and beverage manufacturers add sweeteners to most processed foods because it's a cheap way to make just about anything tastier.
Being a Night Owl Isn't Good For Your Health
Staying up until the wee hours of the morning may potentially lead to your weight to increase. Sleep disorder researchers exploring the relationship between the circadian timing of sleeping, eating and body mass index (BMI) report that this up and down relationship was studied for the first time in the United States.
Less Stress, Less Weight
Losing weight can be very difficult, but researchers have found something that may help you shed those pounds: less stress plus enough sleep equals lower wieght.
Food on the Brain
In a recent brain imaging study, researchers at the Brookhaven National Laboratory found that binge eaters (those who compulsively overeat) react to their favorite foods differently than ordinary obese individuals.