Health News
The Power of Illusion over Pain
The power of the mind can have a powerful effect on the body. This point is held up by a recent study showing that simple illusions can reduce the pain felt by patients with arthritis.
Gel for Your Joints
Most of the current drugs for rheumatoid arthritis (RA) are taken by individuals in pill form. Because pills have to be broken down and spread throughout the whole body, these drugs have many side effects and can sometimes take weeks to start working. Now, researchers have made a new RA gel that may fix these problems.
Working with Arthritis
Many people with arthritis report having some workplace difficulties.
A recent study shows that these difficulties do not necessarily make arthritis patients less productive on the job.
Singing is Soothing
Before performing knee replacement surgery, doctors had to get the patient's blood pressure under control.
A 76-year-old woman did not respond to the usual drug treatments.
However, after she sang a few religious songs, her blood pressure dropped dramatically.
Depression Makes the Pain Worse
Knee arthritis can be so painful that standing seems impossible. Even those with mild arthritis say they feel extreme pain, especially if they have depression.
Quicker Recovery for Your Knee
Get your physical therapy started early following knee replacement surgery to save time, money and to run your next 5K. Knee rehabilitation improved patient outcomes by reducing pain, increasing joint motion in leg flexion and extension, improving muscle strength, and improving gait and balance.
Take a Load Off
Osteoarthritis knee pain commonly afflicts retired professional athletes but also those who are obese. A simple solution to the problem may exist, however, according to a new study: lose weight.
Flat Feet and Your Knees
Having flat feet is associated with chronic knee pain, or knee osteoarthritis, in older adults, a recent study finds.
Boy Scouts No Longer Needed
Osteoarthritis sufferers are able to move faster and with more ease if they lead physically active lives, according to new research from Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine.
Knees Hurt? Blame Your Feet
"Flat-footed" older adults may be more likely to experience chronic knee pain than their peers who have higher arches, according to a new study from Boston University School of Medicine.