Health News

Pains of Parents and Children
Sometimes pain just decides to show up in our bodies seemingly out of nowhere. No warning, no apparent cause. It baffles doctors as much as it baffles us.
Kids These Days… and Their Rx
It's important to treat mental illness. But some people have concerns that children are over-treated with medications. Research evidence does show an increase in some psychiatric meds for kids.
When Big Headaches Hit Little Ones
A migraine headache can knock you flat — and that's for an adult. Imagine how migraines might affect children, especially when it comes to school.
Soft Bones are a Hard Problem for Kids
Have you ever heard of a child having soft bones? It's what happens when their bones grow up without the things they need to get strong and support them throughout their lives.
When the Shoe Fits
That raw blister on the back of the heel can make running painful. And if an experienced runner gets a stress fracture while trucking a long time, what's causing the damage?
Some Kids Can Die from Flu
The best thing a person can do to prevent the flu is to get a flu shot. Just that simple. And yes, getting the vaccine is especially important for children at higher risk of dying from the flu.
Subtle Long-Term Impacts of Child Abuse
Experiencing abuse as a child means more than a higher risk of mental illness. Researchers are learning that abused children are at risk for various long-term physical issues as well.
H1N1 Vaccine Linked to Nervous Disorder
One of the conditions known to be a risk following some flu vaccinations is the autoimmune disease Guillain-Barre syndrome.
The Best Baby Food Money Can't Buy
When expecting, it can be nerve-wracking to consider all the changes going on in your life and how to be ready to take care of this new, tiny, amazing creature.
Epilepsy Hurts Everyone's Sleep
When a child has a chronic illness, it invariably affects the parents' well-being too. With childhood epilepsy, those effects occur not only during the day but during the night as well.