Health News

Police Stress is Unhealthy
Working as a police officer is stressful; so stressful, it turns out, that police officers may have a higher risk for a variety of physical and mental health problems.
Emotional Stress Linked to Cancer Recurrence
Emotional stress and turmoil take a physical toll on our bodies as well. Stress and abuse have been linked to migraines, auto-immune syndromes, heart problems and now skin cancer.
Psychology Behind the Prostate Cancer Test
Scientists have piles of data showing that people simply don't understand or care about statistics.  Most people find numbers un-intuitive.
Husbands of Breast Cancer
Men taking care of their wives during breast cancer treatment undergo a significant amount of stress and anxiety. In fact, it could cause men’s health to decline - even years after the completion of cancer treatment.
Stress, Inflammation and Cancer
Stress goes by many names, but on a cellular level that name is inflammation. A number of biological activities can cause inflammation, so can the stresses of unhealthy lifestyles.
How Stress may Impact Recovery
In our modern world, stress can become a way of life. The American Institute of Stress manages a list of over 50 common symptoms of stress, including jaw clenching, insomnia, chest pain, social withdrawal and hives. Everyone has experienced how stress and its symptoms can interfere during a hectic day.