Health News

Smoking May Be Even Riskier Than Once Thought
Smokers, it’s never too late to quit — and there may now be even more good reasons to do so.
Healthy Valentine’s Day for a Healthy Heart
Valentine’s Day — a day of chocolates, romantic dinners and loving hearts. Why can't it also be a day to focus on heart health?
New Treatment Helped More Patients Ditch Nicotine
If you can fight fire with fire, why not fight addiction to nicotine with another chemical?
Meeting UN Health Goals Could Save Millions of Lives
Some of the biggest killers worldwide are diseases that can largely be prevented: heart disease, chronic respiratory disease, cancers and diabetes. But it will require some effort.
A Pregnancy Complication on the Rise
The vast majority of pregnancies are uncomplicated, with healthy moms and healthy babies. But one of the more common pregnancy complications when one occurs is pre-eclampsia.
Predicting Memory Problems
Hypertension, diabetes and smoking  are known to increase your chances for stroke. A new study shows they can also be factors in developing cognitive problems later in life, even among patients who have never experienced a stroke.
Where You Live Impacts Your Heart
There has been a steady decline in the number of Americans with coronary heart disease in recent years, yet rates vary by race and ethnicity, and residents of some states have a risk that is more than double other geographic regions.
U.S. Plan Announced to Cut Heart Attacks
Working vigorously to reduce cardiovascular deaths, U.S. health officials have announced a national program that partners with private insurance companies to prevent one million heart attacks and strokes over five years.
Reducing Risks Could Cut Alzheimer's
Moderate lifestyle changes may seem small, but they can provide large returns in better health. Exercising and smoking cessation are among modifiable changes capable of reducing risk of Alzheimer's disease.