Health News

Soy Protein Reduces Clogged Artery Progression
There may be a window shortly after menopause in which women can slow the development of clogged arteries through a method as simple as taking soy protein supplements.
Menopausal Melancholy
The end of a woman's reproductive years brings on menopause. Beginning in the mid to late 40s, women's ovaries begin to shut down the release of eggs.
Avoiding Sudden Cardiac Death
At one time sudden cardiac death was viewed as rather random, but now new risk factors are regularly identified. One group that is at a higher risk is postmenopausal women with coronary artery disease.
The Case Against Menopausal Flashing
Many women approaching the change of life are familiar with racing hearts, rivers of perspiration and heat flushed faces-just some of the more unpleasant symptoms of menopause.  While hormone replacement therapy may carry too many risks for most women, there is help on the horizon from anti-depressants.
Why Pregnancy Protects Against Breast Cancer
Motherhood may be one of the greatest blessings for many women. First, a woman receives the precious gift of a child. Then, she also is protected from breast cancer throughout her life.
If You Give a Mouse a Cookie
The  wonderful children's book  teaching cause and effect,  If You Give A Mouse A Cookie, just giving a mouse a cookie sets off a fun chain of events: "If you give a mouse a cookie, he's going to ask for a glass of milk. When you give him the milk, he'll probably ask you for a straw. ....." Another chain of events seems to take place when a female baby is in a compromised  uterus.  Two things, not necessarily in this order, take place: Asthma and early onset of her menstrual cycle. Metabolism and hormones appear to have an impact on the respiratory system   The chain ...
Menopause Coping System
How we tolerate our hot flashes and mood swings during our midlife change often depends on how we have approached the challenges presented to us throughout other times in our life.
New Findings on Hormone Replacement Therapy
You may remember some years ago when a large women's study was stopped because one of the therapies being tested was shown to actually increase the risk of breast cancer, heart attacks and strokes.
Wherever Thou Goest, Menopause Will Go
Whales have often held the fascination of many people, and women may have more in common with these magnificent creatures that cruise our oceans than we originally thought, particularly women in menopause.
As If Things Weren’t Bad Enough
Menopause is a difficult transistion for many women, but new research indicates that exposure to man-made chemicals may hurry up the process.