Health News

3 Unexpected Uses for Botox
Because Botox is known for smoothing out wrinkles and facial imperfections, it has become associated with a line-less face with zero expression. But Botox can actually be used for several medical conditions.
Stay Ahead of Your Migraine With Tools Customized For Your Migraine Mindset.
Got Migraines? Check Your Heart
Women who have been diagnosed with migraines may have a slightly raised risk of heart disease events and heart-related death, a new study found.
6 Unexpected Uses for Botox
Did you know that Botox injections can do more than give your face a lift? Botox is actually a drug made from the toxins of Clostridium botulinum bacteria, and it’s good for more medical marvels than you may expect.   
Dangers of Drinking Too Much Alcohol
Binge drinking, especially over the course of several years, can come with severe health consequences. Here’s a list of some of the consequences of drinking too much alcohol.
Valproate Anti-seizure Products Contraindicated for Migraine Prevention in Pregnant Women
The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is advising healthcare professionals and women that the anti-seizure medication valproate sodium and related products, valproic acid and divalproex sodium, are contraindicated and should not be taken by pregnant women for the prevention of migraine headaches.
Migraine With Aura and Your Heart
Having a migraine is headache enough without having to worry about cardiovascular disease. For those who experience migraine with aura, it may be important to consider the health of your heart.
No Cognitive Problems from Migraines
It is challenging to make sense out of the brain's mysteries. This is especially true in understanding how migraines might affect the brain. But researchers are learning more.
Mom's Double Whammy: Migraines and Colic
What's worse than a decapitating migraine for a new mom? The nonstop crying of her colicky newborn every night. Turns out the two might be linked.
Fighting Hormonal Migraine Misery
As if the usual monthly routine were not enough for women to deal with, some women are afflicted with what seems a random and heartless combination–menstruation and migraines.