Health News
Are Antidepressants Safe During Pregnancy?
The question of whether to take antidepressants during pregnancy is an intimate and complicated one. But if you're pregnant (or trying to be) and you have depression, you may want to consider the risks.
Lending a Hand to Moms of Preemies
The birth of a new baby, while joyful, can also bring a great deal of stress and anxiety — especially if the child arrived well before the due date.
When PTSD Meets Pregnancy
While PTSD is often associated with the battlefield, anyone can experience it after any traumatic situation. In fact, about one in 12 pregnant women have PTSD symptoms.
Balancing Antidepressants' Risks during Pregnancy
Taking antidepressants during pregnancy has always involved a balancing of possible benefits and risks. But so does skipping the medication when a mom has depression.
Handling the Anxiety of a New Baby
Awareness about postpartum depression has grown over the past several decades. Women are realizing they are not alone and can seek help. But fewer are aware of postpartum anxiety.
Moms in the Military Doing All Right
Deploying overseas in the military can be stressful for any soldier. So one could imagine it may be even rougher for women who deploy after having a baby.
Dad, Don't Suck it Up
Mental illness often runs in families. Children are generally at a higher risk for a mental disorder if a parent has one. These patterns can show up very early in children's lives.
A Vicious Cycle Can Begin in Pregnancy
How do bullies choose their victims? There are probably several reasons. But one of them may have to do with the victims of the bullying before they're even born.
Seeking Answers to Kids' Random Pains
You know those "growing pains" kids sometimes have? Aches and pains with no apparent cause? Researchers are trying to figure out which kids are most likely to have them.
Handling Tough News When Pregnant
It's a catch-22. If you find out your child has a heart defect before he's born, you can prepare. But it can also stress out mom — which can affect the baby as well.