Health News

The Link Between Your Mouth and Your Stroke Risk
Here's a reason to keep your mouth clean that you probably didn't expect: It might lower your risk of stroke.
Got Arthritis? Take Care of Your Teeth
If those aching joints are a result of rheumatoid arthritis, it may be a signal to take extra care of your teeth.
Heart Disease Patients Often Have Poor Dental Health
People with heart disease often have to pay very close attention to their health. It's possible that even dental health is closely associated with heart disease.
Pulling Teeth Before Heart Surgery May Pose Severe Risks
Before going through heart surgery, patients often have infected teeth pulled to avoid infection after surgery. However, this preventive measure may actually be causing more problems than preventing them.
Does a Great Smile Reveal a Healthy Heart?
Your mouth may give clues to your overall health. Inflammation linked with gum disease, for example, may play a role in heart disease. Treating gum disease, however, may not lower heart risks.
Brushing Teeth to Keep Heart Disease Away
The expression "To have your heart in your mouth” may have a new meaning. Gum health has been shown to influence heart health, and good oral hygiene may even slow hardening of the arteries.
Cholesterol Rx May Fight Gum Disease
Studies have shown a link between gum disease and heart disease; both are driven by inflammation. Now it seems that link also may extend to treatments for heart problems — statins, which lower cholesterol, may help reduce gum inflammation.
Heart Disease Screening Tooth Fairy
Heart disease is a pretty complex business. So much so, that even adult tooth loss may be linked to heart health. 
Clean Teeth Love a Healthy Heart
Taking care of your teeth may provide more benefits than you think. Proper gum and tooth care is not only good for your oral health, but it might help your heart as well.
Gum Disease and Bedroom Bummer for Men
Living with erectile dysfunction, or impotence, can be a huge blow to a man's ego and, in some cases, his health. If doctors know who is at risk, they can take steps to stop erection problems.