Health News

What Kangaroo Care Does for Your Preemie
Humans can learn a lot from kangaroos. In fact, they already have, at least when it comes to giving birth to tiny preemies.
Brain Injury's Long-Term Impact
In the one to two years after a child experiences traumatic brain injury, progress can be made in their function and quality of life. But improvement then appears to slow down.
The Changing Brain of a Neglected Child
Child neglect is just as serious an issue as child abuse. It can lead to serious problems later with thinking, learning and social interaction. Scientists are starting to learn why.
Do All Kids Act Like That?
Your toddler refuses to move. Every shopper can hear his screams, and your face burns as you struggle to pull him outside away from judgmental eyes. Is this really normal?
Can Your Child Breathe While Asleep?
Snoring in small children can mean more than a noisy bedroom. It also might mean a child has obstructive sleep apnea — a big problem for little kids.
Cramming For Tests Can Backfire
The big test is tomorrow. Time for an all-nighter of cramming so you can be sure to ace it right? Wrong.
Ecstasy During Pregnancy a Bad Idea
A study on how ecstasy during pregnancy might affect babies at 4 months old was published early this year. Now those babies are a year old. They're still developing slowly.
Filling Prescriptions Before It’s Time
One of the more difficult forms of drug abuse to control among teens is prescription drug abuse. Prescription drugs, like stimulants prescribed for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, can be abused for recreational purposes. 
Checked Your Teens' Texts Lately?
Who would have thought a text message could put a teen on a sex offender list? Yet this is one of the more extreme possible consequences of the increasing trend of " sexting ."
Watch for Teen Suicide Signs
While adolescence tends to be a tough time for most people, the experience can become overwhelming when multiple pressures or problems are occurring at once.