Health News

Surviving Cancer While Living With Other Diseases
Cancer remains primarily a disease of the elderly. Aging also increases the incidence of other diseases such as heart disease and diabetes. A new study looked at how other health issues impact cancer survival.
Do Cancer Screenings Have an Expiration Date?
Generally speaking, cancer takes years – even decades – to develop. So a recent study suggests this fact needs to be taken into account when recommending cancer screenings.
The Lost Years of Cancer
The big C takes a chunk out of human life, wherever it appears – in whatever form. The lost years and the lost productivity take their toll not just on individuals and their families – but the entire world.
Vegetable Compound May Shrink Breast Tumors
A compound found in vegetables such as broccoli, cauliflower and kale has been studied for its effect on cancer. Recently, its potential benefits may have been expanded.
Run Forrest Run!
You remember the scene in "Forrest Gump" where his friend Jenny urges him to "Run Forrest run!" to get away from a pesky group of kids. He takes off, the braces that have been shackling him fly off. And he's free.
Seesawing Between Breast and Colon Cancers
When a woman has a baby, the cells of her unborn child circulate in her body for decades after childbirth. Likewise, some of her cells are in the body of her child for years, too. This is called microchimerism .
E-vading Cancer
The anti-cancer benefits of vitamin E have been all over the map. Some studies say it increases a person's cancer risk; others suggest just the opposite. Scientists have hit a slick spot in this discussion.
How Obesity Weighs on Cancer Screenings
Does obesity play a role in whether or not people undergo various types of cancer screening? The simple answer is "yes." The more nuanced answer says it depends on the individual's gender, race and type of cancer screening.
Super Cancer Vaccine on the Horizon?
The possibilities for treating a number of cancers - including difficult to treat ones - have just taken a gargantuan leap. An experimental vaccine is showing hugely promising results in animal studies.
Could Colon Cancer be Prevented?
While estrogen is primarily a female hormone, both men and women have estrogen receptors. Working with these molecules may lead to better ways to treat and even prevent cancers.