Health News
Depression, Anxiety and Your Risk of Stroke
There is a lot of evidence suggesting that coronary heart disease is linked to psychological distress symptoms like anxiety and depression. However, it may be that heart disease is not the only risk.
Resetting Brains for Depression
It's not unusual to experience clinical depression in the months following a stroke, but scientists have not understood exactly why many stroke survivors end up depressed.
Predicting Stroke Re-hospitalization
Certain easy-to-watch factors may predict which stroke patients are at risk of being rehospitalized. Pinpointing those factors can help doctors treat or more closely watch those at the highest risk.
Depression Common Among Stroke Survivors
Feeling a sense of disinterest or hopelessness after a stroke? It may be depression. Stroke or mini stroke survivors are more likely to become depressed as compared to the general population.
A Shot for Sadness, Sluggishness, and Stroke
Those recently suffering a lacunar stroke should talk to their health care provider about vitamin supplementation, studies suggest.
Avoid a Stroke - See a Therapist
New findings may be enough to coax depressed individuals to seek treatment. Women who are depressed may be at an increased risk of having a stroke.
New Antidepressants Risky for Elderly
Depression is common among the elderly with many electing to take antidepressants. The new generation of antidepressants may be overly risky for older patients.
Stroke Patients: Get Happy, Get Moving
Anyone with depression should get help, but it's especially important for stroke patients if they want to complete day-to-day tasks and maintain their independence.