Health News

The Keys to Diabetes Management
Taking medications as prescribed can make all the difference and this is no different for those with diabetes, according to a new study.
Diabetes and Sitting: A Potential Link
OK, couch potatoes — here's yet another reason to get moving.
Have Diabetes, Will Exercise
Exercise may be at the heart of good diabetes control. Literally.
5 Lifestyle Factors Linked to Less Heart Failure
Your day-to-day activities just may halve your risk for heart failure.
The Benefits of Working Hard in the Gym
Exercise is almost never a bad thing, but new evidence suggests that not all exercise is created equal.
How to Avoid Aching Knees
Knee pain — a sign of arthritis, related to obesity or just the result of getting older? Whatever the reason, diet and exercise might be able to prevent or reduce knee pain in overweight older adults with diabetes.
Stand up for Your Health
Office workers and couch potatoes alike may need to stand up for their health — literally.
Can You Be Obese and Healthy?
Making healthy lifestyle changes to lose weight is likely a smart choice for the long-term health of all obese people — even if they don't yet have medical issues related to their weight.
6 Ways to Save Your Heart Health
Pumping iron to stay strong may keep your heart pumping, too. Healthy lifestyle practices may prevent the majority of heart attacks in younger women.
Yoga May Cut Heart Disease Risk
Want to reduce your heart disease risk? Some sun salutations or warrior poses might help.