Health News

The Secret to Growing Old Gracefully
Just about everyone wants the secret to life. But they might settle for the secret to aging gracefully. One important key to successfully aging appear to be… growing older.
Underdog to Exercise Harder
Having a healthy rivalry is good. That edge is just the push to help people work out longer and harder.
Hey Girls! Let's Dance
Teen girls that seem generally healthy may still struggle with their self-image. This struggle can sometimes lead to later health problems. But there's a possible solution: Just dance!
Are You What You Eat?
Most people aren't surprised if pigging out at the all-you-can-eat buffet leaves them feeling a bit queasy. But what if it had been an all-you-can-eat fruit-and-vegetable bar?
Don't Just Sit There, Get Outside!
It's easy to blame the preponderance of cheap technology and fun gadgets as the reason for today's children not getting enough physical activity. But parents have more power to influence their kids' activity levels than they may realize.
Can Body Image Affect Behavior?
Obese women tend to think of themselves as much larger than they are, but how does this affect the way they live life? 
Kids Emotionally Benefit from Sports
Nobody wants to be yelled at on the playing field.  Supportive and fun sports environments can have a real impact on the stability of a child. Learning emotional management skills and lower rates of depression are just part of the benefits. Having fun while exercising has more than just physical perks. Research points to ‘caring climates’ for sports activities to improve feelings of depression and ability to manage negative thoughts. Find your child a fun sport to join! Mary Fry PhD., Associate Professor of health, sport and exercise science at the University of Kansas,...
Man Up, Reduce Your Waistline
Men needing to lose weight may want to consider talking to a health counselor, a new study suggests.
One Cure for Crankiness: Drink Water
If you're waiting until you feel thirsty before drinking water, then you're waiting too long. And without proper hydration, you're likely to feel moody, anxious and unable to concentrate.
Sweet Sixteen Gone Sour
A study finds that by the age of 16, bad habits and lifestyles are at the "point of no return," especially among women.