Health News

Have A Drink, Not Four
Crossing the line between one or two drinks to three or four isn’t difficult, but it may not be healthy. Researchers have found that many people have been drinking too much.
Mom's Nightmare - Sleepless Kids
Getting a child to sleep well and getting them to eat well are notorious challenges for parents. And problems in one area may be linked to the other - while making moms tired!
Antioxidants for the Brain
Antioxidants - which are found in foods like soy products, coffee and fruits - have been shown to be healthy substances for the body. Researchers wanted to see if they could also lower risk of dementia and stroke.
Is Drinking Related to Cancer?
Studies in the past have shown links between heavy drinking and cancer. Previous research has found drinking red wine fights cancer. But what about just drinking in general?
A Little Exercise Goes a Long Way
Bariatric surgery is an increasingly common treatment for obesity. After the surgery, however, healthy habits contribute to weight loss. They also contribute to positive mental health.
LGB Teens & Eating Disorders
Teen obesity and eating disorders like purging and diet pill use are serious health concerns. Are these risks higher in teens who don’t identify as heterosexual?
Apples and Oranges! Happy Happy Joy Joy!
If you really are what you eat, then what foods make the difference? Apparently, apples and oranges and broccoli and beans – if you want to feel calm and content each day.
Why Stressors Make Us Eat
What is it about stress that makes denser foods more appealing? In the modern world, the survival instinct can trigger the now unnecessary desire to eat high-calorie foods. 
Kids' Behavior Linked to Food Insecurity
Food insecurity is the term used to describe children who are not sure about when and if good food will be available to them. Food insecurity may affect kids' behavior.
It's Time for Recess!
Teachers might look forward to recess as much as children do. It's a chance to let kids run off their energy. But recess is also an important daily part of children's overall development.