Health News

Police Stress is Unhealthy
Working as a police officer is stressful; so stressful, it turns out, that police officers may have a higher risk for a variety of physical and mental health problems.
Girls Get Their "Good" Fats Back
The way an eating disorder affects a person's body can have long-term implications. However, there is a good news for girls who recover from an eating disorder.
Links Between Child Abuse and Obesity
It's not uncommon to find that psychological and physical conditions are entwined. This can especially occur with different types of trauma or abuse.
Try Cow Face…For Your Mental Health
Rabbit, Crane, Frog, Cobra, Eagle, One-Legged King Pigeon, Crow, Tortoise, Peacock, Locust, Camel, Scorpion… Okay, so it sounds like the zoo. But it's good for your mind and muscles.
Borderline Personality Linked to Obesity
Borderline personality disorder (BPD) features can interfere with relationships and work. Those same features may also affect general health.
Don't Just Sit There, Get Outside!
It's easy to blame the preponderance of cheap technology and fun gadgets as the reason for today's children not getting enough physical activity. But parents have more power to influence their kids' activity levels than they may realize.
Healthy Habits Ward Off Dementia
The risk of dementia is higher in diabetic patients that also have depression. Healthy diet, exercise and treatment for depression may help lower this risk significantly.
Tai Chi for the Soul, Body and Mind
You've seen them in parks or in films: rows of older men and women moving through the slow, graceful movements of tai chi. And it may be more than their bodies that they are improving.
Vitamin D May Help Chase Blues Away
Depression, as a result of a vitamin D deficiency, is easy to test for and easy to fix.  One major risk factor for a vitamin D deficiency is not getting enough exposure to sunlight.
Alcoholism After Bariatric Surgery
One weight loss surgical procedure in particular is suspected to increase a patient’s chances of developing alcoholism two years after surgery. Good support networks and healthcare practices may help lower risk.