Health News

Eating Disorders Not Limited to Youth
When people think of eating disorders, they often think of young girls starving themselves to look like the women in fashion magazines. But older women suffer from these conditions as well.
Can Soy Help Women Think?
The traditional Asian diet has been celebrated for their health benefits, but a recent study challenges one common aspect of this praise.
Run Smarter Not Harder
Interval training is not new to the sports scene. But, the new 10-20-30-seconds method might be the new magic bullet for runners.
You Are When You Eat
If munching around the clock is your norm, you may be finding the numbers on the scale going up. But it's not how much you're eating. It's when you're eating it.
Cobbler Not So Peachy
Before you reach for a second helping of peach cobbler with vanilla bean ice cream this weekend, you might want to consider how all that sugar will hit your brain cells.
Keeping Your Memory? Eat the Good Fat
If you're craving fatty food, it makes a difference whether you reach for red meat sauteed in butter or chicken sizzling in olive oil. The difference is your memory.
Risks of Feeding Tubes in Dementia
People with dementia often need help eating and are at higher risk of getting pressure sores. Feeding tubes are often used to ensure that patients are getting all the nutrients they need, but do feeding tubes help?
Gluten and Schizophrenia Linked
An inability to eat foods with gluten, like bread and rice, is frustrating enough for many people. But the condition may have further implications for women planning to have children.
Combo Treatment Causes Significant Weight Loss
Losing weight is difficult, and for some people, exercise and good nutrition isn't enough. According to a new study, a new combination drug that’s currently being tested could help obese people drop those extra pounds.
Can Body Image Affect Behavior?
Obese women tend to think of themselves as much larger than they are, but how does this affect the way they live life?