Health News

These Healthy Habits Might Lengthen Your Life
A new study identified five healthy habits that could increase your life expectancy.
Aging and the Effects of Inactivity
Getting older comes with a lot of changes, and one of those changes might be how your muscles react to inactivity, according to a new study.
How a Sedentary Lifestyle Affects Your Health
For frail, inactive adults, sedentary behaviors like sitting may raise their risk of dying, according to a new study.
The Key to Cancer-Free
There's no sure way to prevent cancer, but practicing a healthy lifestyle can help a lot, a new study found.
Work It Out for Low Back Pain
Lower back pain is one of the most common health conditions worldwide. But a little exercise may be able to help.
Walk Your Way to Heart Health
If Goldilocks took her love of moderation all the way to exercise, she might have discovered that her heart was "just right."
Why Teen Girls Need to Exercise
If you needed another reason to get your teen daughter to drop the phone and get off the couch, here it is.
5 Lifestyle Factors Linked to Less Heart Failure
Your day-to-day activities just may halve your risk for heart failure.
Got Asthma? Get off the Couch
For some asthma patients, exercise can trigger shortness of breath and other related symptoms — but new evidence suggests that having asthma doesn't have to keep you out of the game.
Stand up for Your Health at Work
Eyeing that sit-stand desk at work? It may help curb the health risks of sitting all day.