Health News

Schedule Exercise for Your Diabetes
Exercise plays a key role in any diabetes patient's effort to control blood sugar levels. Still, questions remain about the type, intensity and amount of exercise that is best for people with diabetes.
Cut That Gut?
Opting for a smaller stomach can bring some good. For those with type II diabetes, going under the knife can bring a lot of good, almost to the point of a full cure.
More Corn Syrup, More Diabetes
High fructose corn syrup is in so many of our processed foods. As such, it's hard for some of us to avoid eating this common sweetener.
Is Weight Loss For Every Diabetes Patient?
If you have type 2 diabetes, your weight can have a huge impact on your risk of complications and death. One might think the heavier you are, the higher your risk. However, the scenario may not be as simple as that.
Mindful Eating for Diabetes
Eating healthy to lose weight is a key part of controlling diabetes. But getting patients to eat healthy is not always easy. Two different programs may be equally helpful in getting patients to change their eating habits.
Lost With Newly Diagnosed Diabetes
If you are diagnosed with diabetes, you should make many changes to your lifestyle. Unfortunately, patients who are newly diagnosed with diabetes may not be getting the information they need to make these changes.
Weight Loss Didn't Cut Diabetic Heart Risk
Losing weight has been shown to reduce the risk of heart problems and other complications of diabetes. However, one weight loss program did not seem to protect diabetes patients from heart-related risks.
Stop Diabetes, Eat Healthy After Pregnancy
Eating a healthy diet is a major part of any pregnancy. If you develop diabetes during pregnancy, diet becomes even more important. Now, it seems the importance of a healthy diet doesn't go away once the baby is born.
Predicting Diabetes Control After Surgery
Study after study has shown that weight loss surgery can reverse diabetes in many patients. However, it is still not entirely clear which patients will benefit the most.
Metabolic Risks Linked to Knee Arthritis
Metabolic syndrome is the name for a group of factors that boost the risk of heart disease and diabetes. Now, it seems metabolic syndrome may also be linked to the "wear-and-tear" of arthritis.