Health News

Lead in the Hot Sauce
Extra heat may not be the only thing you're getting from your hot sauce. By putting it on your food, you could also be adding significant amounts of lead.
Boys With Blowguns
Whether it's online or in the real world, teens find ways to get into trouble. A new study highlights one bit of online information that could turn into a real-world problem for some teens.
Stay Safe and Clean During Summer Swims
A great way to cool off in the summer heat is a dip in a swimming pool. If you visit public pools, though, take the steps necessary to protect yourself and others from bacteria.
Not LOL When Teens Text While Driving
Public health officials have advertised the dangers of drinking and driving for years. But texting while driving can be just as dangerous, and not everyone is getting the message.
Metal in a Tube of Lipstick?
Concern about the ingredients in lipsticks and other makeup products have been around almost as long as makeup has. Sometimes, though, there is some reason to be concerned.
Too Much Talking, Texting and Driving
People are becoming more and more aware of the dangers of distracted driving. Yet many Americans still appear to report texting while driving or talking on cell phones while driving.
Homeopathy or Faith Healing for Kids?
Health supplements, faith healing, homeopathy, chiropractic care and acupuncture are all types of complementary and alternative medicine. How often do children use this kind of care?
Don't Throw These Leftovers Away
It's not uncommon to have leftover medications from a prescription you no longer need. If wisdom teeth sockets no longer hurt, most people stop taking the painkiller. But not everyone.
Pediatricians Warn of Pesticide Exposure
Residues from pesticides are all around us: in the air, in our food, in dust, in soil. Whether used in farming or in homes, these chemicals can affect children exposed to them.
Trampolines May Be Fun — But Not Safe
BOUNCE! Ka-BOOM ! BOUNCE! Jumping on a trampoline is a fun way to "fly" for seconds at a time. But the fun stops when a kid goes flying off the trampoline.