Health News

More Safety Points for HPV Vaccine
The vaccine recommended for boys and girls to prevent HPV, an infection that can cause cervical and other cancers, has been shown not to cause diabetes, lupus or similar diseases in young women.
Herpes Hides From the Eye
Taking antiviral therapy medications - even at high dosages - is not sufficient to prevent the spread of genital herpes, even when symptoms are not present.
Ovulation May Raise Risk for Infection
Feeling sick? It may be due to your monthly cycle. Spanish and Austrian researchers studied the effects of the sex hormone estradiol (which triggers ovulation) in mice.
Ladies First - and Only - For HPV Shot?
Parents and policymakers confounded by the best practices for reducing HPV transmission could look to mathematical models to determine a good vaccination strategy for the sexually transmitted infection.
There are many ways to keep your heart healthy. Is sex one of them and is sex even considered exercise? As people get older sex might seem like it’s too strenuous for the heart, but is it?
On Guard! For HPV with Gardasil
It only makes sense that, to eradicate a sexually-transmitted disease, both sexes need to be vaccinated prior to engaging in sexual activity, which would mean before puberty or early teens.
HPV's Death-Defying Devices
Scientists have unraveled the two deadly weapons that make the human papillomavirus (HPV) able to lie dormant in the body for years, leading to chronic infection and even cancer.
Circumcision Reduces HPV in Uganda
Randomized trials in Uganda have shown that circumcision reduces the risk of HPV transmission in heterosexual couples uninfected by HIV.
Avoiding HPV: A Mother-Daughter Conversation
A recent study from Ohio State University reveals the importance of mothers talking to their daughters about the human papillomavirus (HPV) and its vaccine.