Health News

How Binge Drinking Could Affect Your Heart
Binge drinking may increase your risk of going to the hospital for a serious heart problem, according to a new study.
Even One Drink a Day May Affect Your Heart
Even one small alcoholic drink each day may affect your risk of heart issues, a new study found.
How Sleep Affects Your Heart
How well you sleep may have an impact on how healthy your heart is.
Get Your ZZZs Every Day
Many people try to catch up on sleep over the weekend in an effort to offset the negative health effects of too little sleep during the week. But these people may be in for a rude awakening.
Manage Your Stress to Help Your Heart
Exercise in your teens is a good thing, but even with exercise, poor ability to cope with stress may affect your heart later in life.
E-Cigarettes Not So Bad
It looks like a cigarette, feels like a cigarette, but doesn't have the tobacco content or familiar smell of regular cigarettes. Rather, these electronic cigarettes come in a variety of flavors that emit water vapor as they simulate the effect of smoking.
Heart Failure Impacts Quality of Life for Men
Women are commonly affected by depression more often, and more severely when it hits. However, it appears to be men who suffer a greater emotional toil when it comes to a diagnosis of heart failure.
Exercise More to Combat Sleep Disorders and Diabetes
Men with obstructive sleep apnea, diabetes or high blood pressure can greatly improve their survival rate by increasing their amount of exercise. Conversely, poor fitness habits increased the death rate by as much as 75 percent.