Health News

Get Clean & Love Your Teeth
Drug addicts may neglect brushing, flossing and dentist visits more than the average person. But with poor eating habits, addicts need to take extra care of their teeth and gums.
Using the Mind to Reduce Inflammation
If you're in pain, you probably don't feel great. If you're emotionally frustrated or upset, it can make your pain worse. So then how do you break the cycle?
Dental Health Can Be Tricky For Kids With Autism
Kids with autism spectrum disorders ( ASD ) may have difficulty with oral healthcare. ASD behaviors may influence how parents feel about their own ability to manage their child’s oral care.
Who's the Drunkest of Them All?
Many Americans may enjoy drinking on New Year's Eve, but they don't top the charts. In fact, the US is not even among the 25 "drunkest" countries in world alcohol consumption rates.
When Peanuts Become Weapons
"Hey little Johnny! Want some peaaaaanutttts ? They're goooooood for you! Here, touch them!" Sounds like standard child teasing, right? Unless Johnny has a serious peanut allergy.
When Kids Dread the Dentist
Fear of the dentist has been mocked in countless films and TV shows. However, it's a very real concern for many people – especially children. Being afraid of the dentist can lead to long-term problems with oral health.
Gene Uncorks Pancreatitis in Heavy Drinkers
Excessive drinking has been linked to chronic pancreatitis, but only a fraction of alcoholics get the disease. A gene mutation can identify men who are at highest risk.
Low Feeling in the Gut
Stomach distress can put extra distress on persons with long-term stomach problems-- even those who have little to no pain, the problem still persists.
An Apple a Day to Keep Dementia Away?
Tooth loss can get in the way of the ability to eat some foods, especially hard foods.  The ability to chew hard foods may be related to cognitive ability in the elderly.
Smoke Damage Hits Low and Long
Damage from smoking can creep below our lungs. Our stomachs can hurt, the pain can spread into the colon, and the pain can stay even if we quit.