Health News

How Ads Might Be Unsafe for Your Baby
Ads for sleep products and bedding often promote unsafe infant sleep environments that could raise the risk for sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS), a new study found.
Kids and Chemical Eye Burns
Adults aren't the only ones who have to watch out for chemical eye burns. In fact, these burns may occur more often in young children, according to a new study.
Pre-Pregnancy Caffeine May Spell Trouble
Caffeine consumption in the weeks before pregnancy and during early pregnancy may be linked to miscarriage, a new study found.
In Late Preterm Births, This Rx Could Help Baby's Lungs
Doctors have prescribed steroids to pregnant women at risk of preterm delivery for decades. But what about those at risk of late preterm delivery?
Why Folic Acid Is So Important for Women
This week is National Folic Acid Awareness Week, but the vitamin is important all year long.
Are Antidepressants Safe During Pregnancy?
The question of whether to take antidepressants during pregnancy is an intimate and complicated one. But if you're pregnant (or trying to be) and you have depression, you may want to consider the risks.
Parent Age and Autism Risk
You may have heard that an older mom's age may influence her child's risk for autism, but babies born to teen moms and older dads may also be at risk.
Buying Breast Milk Online? Be Careful
Buying breast milk online is often cheaper than buying it from a milk bank, and it can be convenient for mothers who are unable to breastfeed their babies. Parents who purchase breast milk online, however, should make sure they're getting what they're paying for.
Don't Make This Car Seat Mistake
Babies on board should see the world through the rear window. Many kids may be switched to forward-facing car seats too soon.
Keeping Tots From Taking Tumbles
To kids, a couch can be a castle, a bed can be a trampoline and a table can be a bridge. To parents, however, furniture can be a serious injury risk to their adventurous kids.