Health News

Cancer Screening May Benefit Diabetes Patients
Diabetes patients may need to take extra precautions to lower their risk for cancer or catch it early.
Cancer Screening May Not Benefit Elderly
Regular cancer screenings are widely regarded as an important part of preventive medicine, particularly for people in midlife. But those same screenings might cause more harm than good in older patients facing a limited life expectancy.
Currying Favor Against Cancer
Turmeric is the pungent, pumpkin colored spice that gives curry its distinctive color and taste. Curcumin is the active ingredient in turmeric that has been used for medicinal purposes for thousands of years.
The Lost Years of Cancer
The big C takes a chunk out of human life, wherever it appears – in whatever form. The lost years and the lost productivity take their toll not just on individuals and their families – but the entire world.
Vegetable Compound May Shrink Breast Tumors
A compound found in vegetables such as broccoli, cauliflower and kale has been studied for its effect on cancer. Recently, its potential benefits may have been expanded.
E-vading Cancer
The anti-cancer benefits of vitamin E have been all over the map. Some studies say it increases a person's cancer risk; others suggest just the opposite. Scientists have hit a slick spot in this discussion.
PSA Tests - Not Just for Prostate Cancer Anymore
The most common form of cancer in women may soon be detected using a test that diagnoses the most common type of cancer in men. The PSA test may soon be used to detect breast cancer.
Your Cancer Family Tree
As with all of medicine these days, researchers are now finding that cancer screenings need to be personalized. Your screening schedules should be based on your family history.
Common Meds Don't Increase Cancer Risks
Terror, panic and worries raises blood pressure. And that's just what the millions of people in this country living with high blood pressure felt last year. Today, they can take a long sigh.