Health News

Protective Partners for Arthritis Drugs
Some drugs used to relieve the pain of arthritis can do damage to your digestive tract. This is why many arthritis patients take other medications to protect their digestive system.
Borderline Personality Linked to Obesity
Borderline personality disorder (BPD) features can interfere with relationships and work. Those same features may also affect general health.
Anxious with Arthritis
The pain of arthritis can seem ever-present. Eventually, that pain can become more than physical; it can dampen your day and sour your mood.
FDA Issues Warning on Natural Supplement
There are countless dietary supplements marketed as natural remedies for pain relief. In some instances, these supplements turn out to be neither natural nor safe, which seems to be the case for Reumofan Plus.
Boosting Activity for Arthritis
Exercise is a crucial part of staying healthy for any human being. Physical activity is especially important for arthritis patients trying to reduce pain.
Arthritis Anxiety
Arthritis affects an estimated 50 million people in the United States alone. Physical joint pain may not be the only negative effect, psychological disorders may accompany arthritis as well.
New Knees on the Rise
When medications and exercise no longer give arthritis patients the relief they need, surgery may be the next option. A total joint replacement can free patients from pain, giving them the mobility to live a normal life.
Place Tied to Arthritis Pain
Millions of people across the United States suffer from some form of arthritis. To reduce these numbers, researchers first have to know what populations are most affected.
New Knees Love Aquatic Therapy
Even though hip and knee replacement surgeries have become more common, it remains unclear how best to treat patients after surgery. Beginning aquatic therapy at the right time may be one way to improve quality of life.
No Exercise, No Good for Arthritis
Exercise is one of the easiest ways to treat disease and stay healthy overall. While more Americans are getting physically active on their spare time, one group that really needs exercise is barely moving.