Health News

Pre-Pregnancy Test for Gestational Diabetes
With gestational diabetes, pregnant women have high blood sugar levels that can seriously harm their baby’s health. Hormone testing before pregnancy may help catch those who are at high risk for this condition.
What Do We Know of Herbs and Breastmilk?
In the US and throughout the world, many women use herbal supplements while they are breastfeeding. It is important to know about the safety and effectiveness of these herbs.
Let Me Count the Days 'til the Baby
Common wisdom holds that a pregnancy lasts nine months. Those with experience of actual pregnancies, however, know that the length of time can vary.
A Little Laboring Help From Your Friends
Giving birth can be a beautiful thing for women, but it's rarely easy. Fortunately, there are ways to support women during their pregnancies, labors and deliveries. And that support makes a difference.
Shedding Pounds Between Babies
Being overweight while pregnant can increase several health risks. But after you have your baby, it's not too late to try to lose the pounds if you want to have another.
Continuing Toilet Trips After Birth
A common problem among pregnant women is a constant need to use the restroom. This need can turn into a more serious condition after pregnancy if these future moms are unable to keep normal blood sugar levels while baby is in the womb.
Looking for Gestational Diabetes Early
One of the complications pregnant women can develop is gestational diabetes. Finding out the risk for gestational diabetes as early as possible can help women and care providers manage it.
What to "Expect" With a Thyroid Disorder
There are several disorders associated with the thyroid gland in the neck. It controls how the body uses energy. When it is under- or overactive, a person may have a thyroid disorder.
Depression Likelier in Abused New Moms
Bringing home a new baby is stressful on its own. But throw in the anxiety of an abusive relationship and depression may follow.
Pregnant with Bowel Trouble, But It's Ok
Women who plan on becoming pregnant can also plan for bodily changes in other areas, including bowel movements, or lack there of. Could these changes impact a pregnant woman's quality of life?