Womens HealthInfo Center

Medical Myths Busted
Grandma might have told you that you'll catch a cold if you go outside with wet hair. Even if you didn't buy into that old wives’ tale, there are plenty of other health myths out there that seem true — but aren't.
Stress and Your Health
Stress is part of everyday life. In fact, sometimes it's normal and not all bad. Read on for some tips to reduce your stress.
Add-On Rx for Parkinson's Gets Green Light
The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved a new medication to treat Parkinson's disease (PD).
Less Sleep, More Problems
Health officials have declared lack of sleep a public health problem.
Narcolepsy Rx Gets Green Light
The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved a medication for narcolepsy.
FDA: Sodium Chlorite Products Are a No-Go
Sodium chlorite products are not as safe as they are advertised to be, according to the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA).
Summer Health Myths Debunked
Many of us grow up believing certain health and safety myths. Sometimes, these misconceptions are harmless. Other times, they can have serious consequences.
US Measles Update
In 2000, health officials declared that measles had been eliminated. But that may no longer be the case in 2019.
The ABCs of Vitamins and Minerals
Vitamins and minerals are substances that play important roles in the body's processes, such as metabolism, immunity and digestion. They ensure healthy cell growth, function, and development and are vital to good health.
Unplug Before You Tuck In
Americans may be getting less sleep than they have in previous years, and it might be because of smartphones.