Health News

Weight Loss Tips for People with Diabetes
Losing weight can be a challenge for anybody, but it can be especially difficult for people with diabetes, who have to manage medication and blood sugar on top of everything else.
Hard Facts About Soft Drinks
Soft drinks are extremely popular beverages among both children and adults in the US. They are far from healthy, however.
How Obesity Affects Health
Besides tobacco use, obesity is the leading cause of preventable disease and death in the United States.
Seniors Weighing Heart Health Options
Keeping the heart and circulatory system healthy is important for everyone, but it is especially important for older adults. The American Heart Association recently released a new scientific statement on seniors and their heart health.
Exercise as Disease Treatment?
Going for a run, swimming laps, or riding a bike can be a healthy way to feel better and stay at a healthy weight. But can it be a treatment plan for disease as well?
Staying Fit to Fend off Illness
The risk for various health problems increases with age. But there are steps people can take to help minimize these risks, and exercise seems to be one of those steps.
Walk to Work for Your Heart
Besides saving money on gas and avoiding traffic jams, walking or biking to work may have considerable health benefits.
Diet, Exercise and Matters of the Heart
Diabetes patients who are overweight or obese are often advised to lose weight. Doing so may not only help them control diabetes, but can also protect the heart. But is that protection long-lasting?
Exercise: Spread It Out Or All At Once?
Many Americans may find it hard to fit exercise time into their busy schedules. But if they can free up just a few hours each week, they may get all the exercise they need to avoid some serious health problems.