Health News

How Kidney Function Affects the Heart
Although they're not connected directly, your kidneys may still affect your heart. {C}
For AVR, Which Valve Is Best?
Tissue or metal? For aortic valve replacement (AVR) surgery, which one you choose may make a difference.
Depressed? Here's Another Reason to Work Out
The idea that exercise could help depressed patients isn't a new one. But what could be a new idea is that it could also help their hearts.
What Statins Could Do for Bypass Patients
If you're currently taking statins to lower your cholesterol and are also preparing for bypass surgery, you may be in luck.
The 7 Best Foods for Your Heart
In the US alone, cardiovascular disease claims the lives of more than 600,000 people each year — making it the leading cause of death for both men and women, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
How We Eat: The Salty Truth
Are you eating too much salt? According to new evidence, it's very likely. {C}
Do You Know the Signs of Stroke?
A new national survey suggests the vast majority of young adults may not know the signs of a stroke.
Blood Pressure Meds: Old Vs. New
When it comes to blood pressure medications, the new may be just as good as the old.
Keeping an Eye on Infant Eye Disease
For babies at risk of blindness, one common treatment may do more harm than good.
Why Heart Failure Patients Shouldn't Give Up
Even if you happened to wait until after a heart failure diagnosis to think about a healthy diet and exercise plan, it may not be too late.